Zucchini Noodles

I don’t know about you, but I whenever I cook zucchini noodles, they always get a little watery in the the pan.  It’s more annoying than anything else.

I started playing around yesterday and figured out how to get the noodles a little crispy on the outside and soft in the center.  It doesn’t take long at all to do.  The only downside is that it is best when served relatively soon from the time it was cooked, rather than used as leftovers.  That part is a minor detail…unless it has a tomato sauce on it or it is used as some sort of baked dish.  In that case, it would probably taste amazing as a left over and reheated.


  • 10.7 oz. of zucchini noodles
  • 1/8 cup of your favorite seasonings.  (I used Trader Joe’s South African Smoke.  I ended up ordering back up of it on Amazon since it is seasonal.)
  • 1/4 cup of golden flax meal.
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil.


  • On a large plate put your flax meal and seasonings in the center and mix together.
  • Toss your zucchini noodles in the mix and make sure everything is evenly distributed.


  • In a saute pan, place 2 tbsp of coconut oil and put on medium to high heat and then toss the coated noodles in. 2-3 mins on each side.  They should have a little crust.

A pan with high sides like a wok would work great too.


Finished product.


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